Titans Controversy: Racist Costume Department Makes Anna Diop Dress Like a Hooker

The Internet is all a-twitter over actress Anna Diop shutting down her Instagram account, with Paul Feig ignorantly jumping on the attack train against critics of the new Titans streaming show.

Feig is, as always, lying. The criticism isn’t due to racism against Ms. Diop, who is Black. The criticism is mainly due to the actually racist costume given her for the program, making her look like a street walker. The visual implication is that Black women are whores. If that’s not racist, what is? (For the record and for those who don’t know, Starfire, the comic book character Dion is playing, is an orange-skinned alien.)

I honestly don’t know what DC-Warner Bros. was thinking in dressing up a woman of color as a prostitute and then hiding behind accusations of racism to try and defend that mind-bogglingly stupid decision. But the controversy runs deeper than one might think.

As the crew at Midnight’s Edge have pointed out on a number of occasions, this is part of a pattern of attacking audiences for not liking the craptastic material shat out by major studios in recent years. Oh, you think the corporatized Star Wars, Star Trek, DC, Marvel, etc. suck? Oh, then you’re a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, and so on. It’s not that we produced bad content. You’re all just whiny childish bigots!

But this shameless tactic ran out of steam a long time ago, and this time there’s no defending the indefensible.

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